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Getting Attributer to work with Freshsales

In the past, Attributer worked well with Freshsales forms.

Unfortunately though, Freshsales has recently updated their form tool, and the changes they made prevent the Attributer data from being passed through.

Attributer actually still writes the data into the hidden fields on the form perfectly, but the recent changes they have made mean the data Attributer writes into the hidden fields essentially gets thrown away and the default values that you originally specify on the form (I.e. [channel]) are what gets passed through.

We have tried to speak with them about this change, but they don’t seem very interested in speaking with us or changing it back.

So in terms of your options from here, you have two options:

  • Use a different form builder – You could use a tool like Gravity Forms, WPForms, etc to power the forms on your website, and then connect them to Freshsales using a plugin or a 3rd party integrations tool like Zapier. Aside from working with Attributer, using one of these form builders would give you a number of other benefits, including better spam protection, more types of fields and easier customization to suit your website, better confirmation options (like sending emails to multiple addresses, customising the emails, etc), and much more.
  • Cancel your Attributer account – If you’re not able to use a different form builder for your forms, then unfortunately there isn’t a lot that can be done. You can cancel your Attributer account by following these instructions.

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