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List of recognised social network names

Attributer uses a series of rules to categorise leads into either the ‘Organic social’ or ‘Paid social’ channels. Some of these rules are that the UTM parameters contain the ‘name of a recognised social network’.
Below is the list of names of social networks that Attributer recognises. The name you use in your UTM parameters must exactly match a value below in order for Attributer to recognise it:
- fb (an abbreviation for ‘Facebook’ that gets added when you use the {{site_source_name}} variable)
- youtube
- ig (an abbreviation for ‘Instagram’ that gets added when you use the {{site_source_name}} variable)
- tumblr
- slideshare
- digg
- stumbleupon
- sphinn
- myspace
- propeller
- mixx
- fark
- tip’d
- triiibes
- livejournal
- technorati
- slashdot
- ning
- orkut
- mybloglog
- metacafe
- meebo
- squidoo
- wikipedia
- flickr
- slide
- plurk
- blogcatalog
- delicious
- knol
- friendfeed
- hootsuite
- cotweet
- seesmic
- quora
- vimeo
- hackernews
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