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Capturing UTM Content

UTM Content is one of the 5 standard UTM parameters and is usually considered the lowest level of information used to differentiate between ads.
Research by UTM Management Tool suggests that UTM Content isn’t used by most people, and as a result Attributer doesn’t capture it in the standard Channel, Channel Drilldown 1, Channel Drilldown 2 and Channel Drilldown 3 fields.
It is possible to capture it using Attributer though, and this article will show you how:
How to capture UTM Content using Attributer
Capturing UTM Content and passing it through to your CRM is easy with Attributer. All you need to do is add a ‘Channel Drilldown 4’ field to your forms.
The process to do this will differ depending on the form tool you are using, but it will be the same as the process you went through to add the other Channel & Channel Drilldown fields (if you can’t remember, instructions for adding those can be found here)
The default value or field name you need to add is as follows:
- Default Value (used in Gravity Forms, WPForms & more) = [channeldrilldown4]
- Field Name (used in Wix, Zoho Forms & more) = attributer-channeldrilldown4
Generally speaking, the best way to do it is to duplicate the Channel Drilldown 3 field in your form, and then just change the 3 to a 4 in all places.
Why we don’t capture UTM content in the main Channel fields
As mentioned earlier, research suggests that UTM Content isn’t often used, and the UTM Medium, UTM Source, UTM Campaign, and UTM Term parameters are the main ones most people use.
As a result, we decided to prioritise writing those parameters into the Drilldown 1, Drilldown 2 and Drilldown 3 fields and leave the Drilldown 4 field as an optional form field that people can add if they need to capture UTM Content.
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